“Skin [Mpòso]”
____________ Mais je déchirerai les rires “banania”
sur tous les murs de France [...] -Léopold Sédar Senghor -
Marseille, 2022
TECHNIQUE:photomontage & collage,
impression pigmentaire sur papier baryté
Photos Numérotées [Edition limitée]
Skin [mposó] is a Mood piece questionning social representations
throughout history and what has been passsed on from generations to
generations through a epigenetic* approach, exposing the psychological
implications and the traumas inherited.
Can we inherit
Inspired by the Novel by Nella Larsen “Passing” - the series explore the complexities of the desire to achieve “whiteness” to feel secure, seen or identified.
Historically, the term has been used primarily in the United States to describe a black or brown person or of multiracial ancestry who (“passes”) assimilates into the white majority to escape the legal and social conventions of racial segregation and discrimination.
The phenomenon has been a common practice in the 1920’s but is still present in today’s society under different forms and notions like “code switching” or “blackfishing”.
The series highlight the stories untold that we carry like a badge of honour or dishonour as well as what our skin represents, what it reveals, the priviledges and the misfortunes in today’s schizophrenic World / And depict The paradox between the weight of history we hold on to, the freedom we seek from it and the hurge to deconstruct the persistent myths and prejudices around our identities.